Monday, May 30, 2011

Iran II, Tehran

On my way from Zanjan to Tehran, I was accompanied by Mohammad's friend Masoud. He had spent the weekend in Zanjan to visit his friends. After a nice bus ride to Tehran, Masoud accompanied me to the meeting point with my cs (CouchSurfing) host Masoud. The two Masounds already knew each other. My first night in Tehran I spent with the two of them.
The next morning I drove to the Turkmen Embassy. Since Tehran is a very big city, the ride there almost took one and a half hours (two taxis, a bus ride). The visa process is started and if everything works smoothly I can pick up my visa on June the 6th.
Since I was in the embassy district I wanted to apply for the Kyrgyz visa (Joe told me to skip Kazakhstan and go via Kyrgyzstan to China, instead) as well. The only thing that was standing in the way of me applying for the visa was the broken arm of the Kyrgyz ambassador. He offered me to come back in two weeks, or to use another representation of Kyrgyzstan.
The next day I wanted to start sightseeing. Masoud explained the route (shared taxi and then take the subway to the vicinity of the bazaar) to me.
The sightseeing has been postponed unexpectedly after the taxi driver spoke English. Nima, the taxi driver is actually an engineer and very frustrated with his government. Moreover, his girlfriend was at this time in Canada, so he insisted to invite me for a drink in a park. A little later, I sat with Nima in a quiet corner of a park and drank moonshine.
After we had emptied the bottle Nima invited me for lunch. A taxi ride in Tehran can be classified as dangerous due to the driving of taxi drivers there, riding with a drunken taxi driver in Tehran is just madness. After we had picked up a friend of Nima, we went to lunch at a sandwich shop. There I met the Iranian movie star Amin Hayah. However, since I have no connection to Iranian films, we simply shook hands. Later in the day Nima took me to the bazaar.
The next day I spent with a number of organizational and other tasks, as well as relax. Because in the late evening I was going on a trip to northern Iran. When I asked Alireza whether I could stay with him in my travels to Kashan, he replied that he would not be in Kashan at this time. But invited me to accompany him and his friends on a trip to the North of Iran. Following this invitation, I changed my plans for Iran for the third time.

Azadi Square

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